In the beginning of the twenty-first century, God showed me another purpose for my life. I was to write and teach others about spiritual warfare.
Within the chapters of this book, I will explain why these mighty contenders are in competition over humanity and what our abilities and responsibilities are, as born-again Christians. This combat is otherwise known as spiritual warfare. The ability to maintain inner peace during this conflict will also be examined. May God bless you with full understanding as you open yourself to His Spirit and His Word. Remember, the war has already been won. However, the battle begins in each person’s soul at birth, so how do we become victors?
Walk with me through God’s love letter to all mankind and find out for yourself. When you finish reading the words I have written in this manuscript and the scriptures supporting them, you will know who received the Original Purple Heart and how that person acquired it. You will also realize that, at death, every person ever born will see God, either in heaven as His adopted child, or at the Great White Throne Judgment Seat of God to receive due punishment for rejecting Him.